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Kendra Hathaway
Kendra Hathaway

Colt Ar 15 Manufacture Date By Serial Number

2C:58-12. Registration of assault firearms a. Within 90 days of the effective date of P.L.1990, c.32 (C.2C:58-12 et al.), the Attorney General shall promulgate a list by trade name of any assault firearm which the Attorney General determines is an assault firearm which is used for legitimate target-shooting purposes. This list shall include, but need not be limited to, the Colt AR-15 and any other assault firearm used in competitive shooting matches sanctioned by the Director of Civilian Marksmanship of the United States Department of the Army. b. The owner of an assault firearm purchased on or before May 1, 1990 which is on the list of assault firearms determined by the Attorney General to be legitimate for target-shooting purposes shall have one year from the effective date of P.L.1990, c.32 (C.2C:58-12 et al.) to register that firearm. In order to register an assault firearm, the owner shall: (1) Complete an assault firearm registration statement, in the form to be prescribed by the Superintendent of the State Police; (2) Pay a registration fee of $50.00 per each assault firearm; (3) Produce for inspection a valid firearms purchaser identification card, a valid permit to carry handguns, or a copy of the permit to purchase a handgun which was used to purchase the assault firearm which is being registered; and (4) Submit valid proof that the person is a member of a rifle or pistol club in existence prior to the effective date of P.L.1990, c.32 (C.2C:58-12 et al.). Membership in a rifle or pistol club shall not be considered valid unless the person joined the club no later than 210 days after the effective date of P.L.1990, c.32 (C.2C:58-12 et al.) and unless the rifle or pistol club files its charter with the Superintendent no later than 180 days following the effective date of P.L.1990, c.32 (C.2C:58-12 et al.). The rifle or pistol club charter shall contain the name and address of the club's headquarters and the name of the club's officers. The information to be provided in the registration statement shall include, but shall not be limited to: the name and address of the registrant; the number or numbers on the registrant's firearms purchaser identification card, permit to carry handguns, or permit to purchase a handgun; the name, address, and telephone number of the rifle or pistol club in which the registrant is a member; and the make, model, and serial number of the assault firearm being registered. Each registration statement shall be signed by the registrant, and the signature shall constitute a representation of the accuracy of the information contained in the registration statement. c. For an applicant who resides in a municipality with an organized full-time police department, the registration shall take place at the main office of the police department. For all other applicants, the registration shall take place at any State Police station. d. Within 60 days of the effective date of P.L.1990, c.32 (C.2C-58-12 et al.), the Superintendent shall prepare the form of registration statement as described in subsection b. of this section and shall provide a suitable supply of statements to each organized full-time municipal police department and each State Police station. e. One copy of the completed assault firearms registration statement shall be returned to the registrant, a second copy shall be sent to the Superintendent, and, if the registration takes place at a municipal police department, a third copy shall be retained by that municipal police department. f. If the owner of an assault firearm which has been registered pursuant to this section dies, the owner's heirs or estate shall have 90 days to dispose of that firearm in accordance with section 12 of P.L.1990, c.32 (C.2C:58-13). g. If an assault firearm registered pursuant to the provisions of this section is used in the commission of a crime, the registrant of that assault firearm shall be civilly liable for any damages resulting from that crime. The liability imposed by this subsection shall not apply if the assault firearm used in the commission of the crime was stolen and the registrant reported the theft of the firearm to law enforcement authorities within 24 hours of the registrant's knowledge of the theft. h. Of the registration fee required pursuant to subsection b. of this section, $20.00 shall be forwarded to the State Treasury for deposit in the account used by the Violent Crimes Compensation Board in satisfying claims and for related administrative costs pursuant to the provisions of the "Criminal Injuries Compensation Act of 1971," P.L.1971, c.317 (C.52:4B-1 et seq.). L.1990,c.32,s.11. Disclaimer: These codes may not be the most recent version. New Jersey may have more current or accurate information. We make no warranties or guarantees about the accuracy, completeness, or adequacy of the information contained on this site or the information linked to on the state site. Please check official sources.

Colt Ar 15 Manufacture Date By Serial Number

Law enforcement agencies across Washington state sold more than 6,000 firearms that had been used in crimes between 2010 and the end of 2017, the AP investigation found. More than a dozen of those weapons later turned up in new criminal investigations, according to a yearlong AP analysis that used hundreds of public records to compare serial numbers of sold guns with crime guns.


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