Venus is sharing the mysteries of the LEO "Queen of Radical Radiant Self-Love" Goddess with YOU!
Kyrona shares wisdom, light language activations and vital tips, to assist YOU to embody, heal and master the Divine Feminine energy of the "Sovereign Queen of Self-Love" Goddess. You will deepen your connection to your Divine Feminine energy and move it to a higher octave! Embody healthy self-love, creativity, and joy. This is about owning your personal sovereignty, shining your light out to the world to uplift all, and recognising we can achieve far more together by honouring the love of the divine within us all!
As you read this post YOU will learn about the importance of the Venus Synodic Cycle and the evolutionary goal of Venus's Journey as the Leo Meta-Goddess, the "Sovereign Queen of Self Love". You will discover the key dates to honour and celebrate in her current cycle (August 19, 2023 to March 28, 2025). You will have the opportunity to experience the profound power of Celestial Resonance Living Light language to support you to clear, heal, transform and empower your divine feminine energy at each key gateway moment. This will be the journey of a lifetime!
In this article I will discuss:-
Why YOU should connect with the Venus Synodic Cycle?
What is the Venus Synodic Cycle & why is it so important to all humanity?
Vital information about the Current Venus is Leo Cycle - what is its evolutionary goal etc...
The Key Dates of the Current Cycle?
This Venus INITIATION is for YOU, for all of humanity and for our EARTH!!
During our journey together with the Venus Meta Goddess "Leo" YOU will be attuning to and embracing the Divine Feminine Energy of the “Sovereign Queen of Love”. Importantly having just completed a 19-month cycle with the Capricorn "Wise Matriach", in this new Leo cycle YOU will take the new structures and systems you have created, the new more efficient, effective and considerate way of moving in the world gained by journeying through the Capricorn cycle and sprinkle it with the new LEO energy of healthy self-love, joy, creativity! You will show up and freely shine your love light because you can, realising we will achieve so much more together in love than we can otherwise. Surely our Earth needs this right now!
During the next 19 months, YOU will be moving your Divine Feminine Expression to a higher octave! Supporting yourself, the Earth, and all of humanity as YOU strive (for yourself, your loved ones, and greater communities) to not only break down the old patriarchal structures that are unjust, unequal, take away our freedoms & personal powers, and are not respectful of our Earth ...BUT to begin rebuilding a new balanced society aligned with the principles of unity consciousness, love, equality, justice, respect for our Earth!
It's Venus as the Meta-Goddess LEO INAUGURATION time! Join a Sacred Star Temple Ceremony like no other!
ACCESS AN INDIVIDUAL MASTERY INITIATION & LIGHTBODY ACTIVATION SESSION WITH ME ON THE DAY OF THE NEW VENUS IN LEO CYCLE STARTS – to support you to energetically align with the evolutionary imperative of this new cycle, to flow with its urgings & to catapult your spiritual growth & open more fully to your destiny & purpose!
1. Why YOU should connect with the Venus Synodic Cycle?
Remembering and reclaiming our connection to Venus consciously is very empowering. It is also an empowerment of the Divine Feminine expression that she is bringing to us at any time (overtone) as she moves through her seasons and cycles.
At this time on Earth, the Divine Feminine is re-emerging. We are all being called to connect to and strengthen our expression of the Divine Feminine, to heal our power centers, shift to our hearts as our main operating system – in order to strengthen our connection to source and through this connection birth a new world! A world of balance, equality, fairness, harmony & sustainability.
As such consciously aligning with Venus’s Synodic Cycles and overtones – provides us as individuals and a planet an incredible opportunity to move to a higher octave of the feminine expression!
2. What is the Venus Synodic Cycle & why is it so important to all humanity?
Venus has a 584-day Synodic Cycle. Synodic means with the Sun. Ancient cultures honoured and celebrated these cycles, these cultures included the Sumerians, Babylonians, and Mayans! All provide a literal cosmological description of Venus and her movements that were profoundly accurate!
Everybody has a Venus Synodic Return every 8 years. So we all have a Venus Return at 8, 16, 24, etc. At this time Venus returns to the same synodic overtone and placement as it was at the time they were born (this being within days of the Solar Return or birthday). During each Synodic Return, we are given the opportunity to move to a higher octave of the feminine expression we came to experience. For women this is about our emerging feminine identity, the aspect we came to explore and express to grow through. For men, this is about your connection to the sacred feminine and what you intend to integrate as your inner beloved.
Each new Venus Synodic Cycle begins when Venus rises as the morning star (also known as the heliacal rise of Venus)! This occurs when Venus is closest to the Earth, she is brightest and always retrograde at this time. If you go out to find her before sunrise you will not be able to miss her, she is so bright before the Sun.
When she rises as the morning star, beginning her new Synodic Cycle, the constellation she is in as she rises, sets the overtone for the upcoming 584 days, for all of humanity!
Venus (Goddess of the Heavens, also known as, Inanna or Ishtar depending on the cultural story you are referring to) then begins her descent into the underworld. She meets with the waning moon 7 or 8 times in the morning sky (as the morning star). Each time she meets she is considered to be going through a gate into the underworld.
In the journey into the underworld, each gate represents a chakra and at each gate, she releases a vestment (each is a symbol of what she is releasing at each phase). This journey into the underworld starts at the 1st gate that is connecting to the Crown Chakra and moves downwards to the Base Chakra.
Then when Venus arrives at the underworld she begins her travel with the Sun. It takes anywhere from 60 to 90 days. So the Underworld is actually a place of great light because this is when Venus is traveling with the Sun and not in retrograde. At this time from our perspective, she is actually furthest away from the Earth and hidden from us, behind the Sun (so we can’t see her – thus ‘the underworld’).
When it is time to return, Venus rises as the Evening Star. On her journey back she meets with a waxing moon each month, another 7 or 8 times, returning through the seven gates in reverse order (starting with the Base Chakra). She returns transformed and empowered from her initiation into the underworld, and at each gate, she gains her light and her vestments.
This truly is one of the very special gifts the Sumerians left us future generations, "the understanding of this particular cycle".
3. Vital information about the Current Venus is Leo Cycle - what is its evolutionary goal etc...
In this Leo Cycle we are exploring the Divine Sovereign Queen energy. We are being called to show up and freely shine our love light because we can. We are called to know taht shining is natural and easy when we remember we are the Divine Love Light. We will be asked to become aware of where we are in judgement of ourselves or others and transform that. We will be called to transform any and all thoughts, feelings, and experiences that do not support the full experience of Radical Radiant Self-Love, Self-Confidence, Self-Acceptance, Self-Approval, and Self-Respect.
The Leo Goddess knows the ways to experience Self Love and Sovereignty. She carries herself with confidence and certainty, knowing she has been chosen to play a starring leading role, knowing she is loved, knowing she is a divine being. She also knows that everyone she encounters is equally divine. Even if the ones she is encountering don’t remember their own divinity. She also knows that although she has a high profile starring leading role, each role, each part played is essential to the whole of life.
She loves who she is and she loves to lead in a way that empowers others. Wherever she goes, she lights up her surroundings with her radiant and charismatic self confidence. She loves who she is so completely that others love to be in her presence. The Leo superstar is charismatic, powerful and confident. She doesn't need anyone to tell her how great she is, but she still loves to hear it anyway.
Leo knows, as do the Hopi elders, that we are the ones we have been waiting for. We are the radiant and shining lights, come to share our light with the world. Leo knows without a doubt that their greatest gift to humanity is showing up in their full light, presence and authenticity.
So in this cycle, The Leo Goddess is asking ‘are you showing up and freely shining your love light, just because you can?'
Are you understanding and celebrating the importance of healthy self-love in creating a more joyous world?
Are you reclaiming your innate divine essence and creative expression?
Are you embodying self-confidence?
Are you releasing the pain of domination, manipulation, unnecessary heirarchy, and power over?
Are you starting to feel the truth that we can accomplish far more together celebrating love of the divine within all life?
Venus is asking us to shift any Leo shadows we may have that include being: -
• Light polarised
• a tyrant or having an over-inflated ego and is prideful, boasting and arrogant
• Unhealthy expectations of entitlement, a need to be special… to be better than
• Attention seeking behaviour, stealing the spotlight
• The personal “I” runs the person
• Says: “I’m special, you are not” or “I’m better” (as a form of superiority)
• Narcissistic personality disorder
• Looks for love outside of self
• Stubborn, self-hating and fearful
• Self-importance and taking matters personally
• Is preoccupied wit feeling they are not loved enough
• External image is all important
4. The Key Dates of the Current Venus Cycle 2022-2023
Venus rises as Morning Star, closest to Vega in 104 years, on January 15/16, 2022, and completes her Morning Star Journey in September. This is when she begins her underworld initiation. She rises as Evening Star in December and finishes her Capricorn journey in August, 2023.
New Cycle Begins: Venus begins her new cycle as the Leo Goddess on 19th August 2023.
Journey into the Underworld (initiation): DATES TO BE ADVISED SOON...
She will spend 260 Days as the Morning Star conjunction with the waning moon 8 times.
Gate 1 – crown chakra - The Gate of Authority (removing her crown)
Gate 2 – 3rd eye chakra - Gate of Perception (removing her royal staff)
Gate 3 – throat chakra - Gate of Communication (removing her necklace)
Gate 4 – heart chakra - Gate of Compassion (removing her breast plate)
Gate 5 – solar plexus - Gate of Personal Power (removing her ring of power)
Gate 6 – navel chakra - Gate of Creativity (removing her ankle bracelets)
Gate 7 – root chakra - Gate of Manifestation (removing her royal robe)
Gate 8 - Earth Star Chakra - Death by Intent,
The Journey out of the Underworld (Transformed and empowered):
Gate 1 – root chakra - Gate of Manifestation (regaining her royal robe)
Gate 2 – navel chakra - Gate of Creativity (regaining her ankle bracelets)
Gate 3 – solar plexus - Gate of Personal Power (regaining her ring of power)
Gate 4 – heart chakra - Gate of Compassion (regaining her breastplate)
Gate 5 – throat chakra - Gate of Communication (regaining necklace)
Gate 6 – 3rd eye chakra - Gate of Perception (regaining her royal staff)
Gate 7 – crown chakra - Gate of Authority (regaining her crown)
Gate 8 – The Ascension Gate (Life by Intent)
New Cycle in Pisces begins March 28, 2025.
The Celestial Resonance Venus Cycle Journey Begins NOW!
Kyrona shares wisdom and light language activation's for every key moment of this Venus Cycle. These will assist you to make the most of this powerful evolutionary cycle! Be sure to join her mailing list to get the monthly updates and access to support tools and events associated with this 584-day journey!
It's Venus as the Meta-Goddess Leo INAUGURATION time! Join a Sacred Star Temple Ceremony like no other!
ACCESS AN INDIVIDUAL MASTERY INITIATION & LIGHTBODY ACTIVATION SESSION WITH ME ON THE DAY OF THE NEW VENUS IN CAPRICORN CYCLE STARTS – to support you to energetically align with the evolutionary imperative of this new cycle, to flow with its urgings & to catapult your spiritual growth & open more fully to your destiny & purpose!