Venus is sharing the mysteries of the Capricorn "Wise Matriach Goddess" with YOU!
(Affecting YOU from June 23/24 to July 24/25, 2023 )
YOU are now continuing your potent Celestial Resonance Living Light Language transformational journey with Kyrona & Venus. YOU have reached the 7th Gate of Authority on your journey with Venus as she rises as the Evening Star. IT'S CORONATION TIME! It is time to re-template your Crown Chakra to the next level in order to reclaim your full connection to Spirit, your Divinity!
A magnificent power portal and delicious moment - NOT TO BE MISSED!
We are getting close!!! Venus is wrapping up the 584 Day Venus Evolutionary Journey as the Gemini Goddess which started on January 16, 2022. On 23/24th June, as Venus prepares to connect with the New Moon @ 10 Cancer (signaling the 7th Gate Evening Star) the stage is set...
It’s time to Graduate – TO RECLAIM YOUR ROYAL CROWN Your connection to HEAVEN & Your DIVINITY!
In honour of this CORONATION and the Huge Delicious “Venus Power Portal” it brings – I will be completing our Venus Cycle Journey by sharing a TRULY MAGICAL, POTENT & POWERFUL Ceremony with my Monthly Super Star Patrons! Make the most of this incredible graduation moment, light up your DNA, take your Divine Feminine expression to a higher octave, embody your inner Goddess of Light and Promise and step up as co-creator of our new world!
This article discusses: –
1. The importance of the Venus Cycle & her journey as the CAPRICORN Goddess.
2. About the 7th Gate of Authority & this Celestial Resonance Transmission.
3. About the Crown Chakra. When it is Balanced & Imbalanced.
4. Healing Tips, Tools & Wisdom’s to support you to balance your Crown Chakra.
5. Experience the Venus 7th Gate Evening Star Transmission *AUDIO* (scroll to the bottom)
1. About the Current Capricorn Venus Cycle
The current Venus Cycle dates: Jan 16th, 2022 - August 20, 2023
In this CAPRICORN META-GODDESS CYCLE - you will be moving your Divine Feminine Expression to a higher octave! Supporting you as YOU strive (for yourself, your loved ones, and greater communities) to not only break down the old patriarchal structures that are unjust, unequal, take away our freedoms & personal powers, and are not respectful of our Earth ...BUT to begin rebuilding a new balanced society aligned with the principles of unity consciousness, love, equality, justice, respect for our Earth!
The (Wise Matriarch's past, present and future) aka the Grandmothers are helping us to Implement and LIVE the in the NEW Earth Story through their wise ways that provide practical, brilliantly useful, and sustainable structures where we all come together and benefit the health and well-being of our beautiful planet and each other.
The Grandmothers listen to the wisdom of the Starry Realms and then they joyfully share that wisdom with us. These wisdom-keepers are helping us know and embrace how we can easily live in joyous harmony with one another guiding us to sing the new earth into being through what we are feeling, thinking, saying, and doing.
This is the penultimate moment, we have been breaking down, and now it's time to take responsibility and start building again!
2. About the 7th Gate of Authority
So as Venus (The Goddess Innana) reaches this the 7th Gate of Authority she reclaims her ROYAL CROWN from the gatekeeper, and RECLAIMS her connection to heaven & her divinity!
Consciously attuning and flowing with this cycle at this moment allows you to become aware of/and clear any blocks/imbalances/ distortions you have in your Crown Chakra, returning them to optimal function, perhaps for the first time in this life, in order to heal and empower yourself!
What this means to you right now, is that it's time for you to remove blocks, imbalances & distortion in the CROWN CHAKRA, to return it to optimal function! It's time to RECLAIM YOUR FULL CONNECTION TO SPIRIT & REALISE YOUR SOUL MAGNIFICENCE!
3. About the Crown Chakra
When your Crown Chakra is functioning optimally
The Crown Chakra is located at the top of the head. It is the mediating point between physical reality and Spirit. Its color is Violet/White. It is responsible for intuitive knowing (claircognizance), integration & wholeness. It supports us to live in the present moment. It influences the Pituitary & Pineal glands, the nervous system, cerebral cortex, right eye, muscular and skeletal systems.
All your energy systems are functioning well, you have a lot of energy and are balanced. You can easily connect with the divine and with nature. You have total access to your unconscious and subconscious mind, to source, to divine wisdom & intelligence. You are fully connected to your Higher Self. You experience unwavering faith, trust and the ability to create miracles.
When your Crown Chakra is Blocked or Unbalanced
You feel disconnected from the unified field of all creation, causing a feeling that there is not enough. You feel disconnected from a sense of purpose, meaning, and identity. You may well feel frustrated, depressed, dis-empowered. You may have destructive behavior, an inappropriate sexual expression that ranges from being overly passionate to being withdrawn. There is often an inability to make decisions, stress levels are high, worry is common and there is an overall lack of joy in your life. Chronic exhaustion with no discernible physical cause, skin disorders, muscular and skeletal system diseases, sensitivity to light, sound, and environmental illnesses.
Vital Steps you can take to support healing your Crown Chakra
Here is a list of suggested activities that you can work with to support your healing journey! This is just to get you started, follow your guidance always!
– Work with this Venus 7th Gate Evening Star Transmission (scroll down).
- Get out under the night sky, look up and bath in the celestial frequencies, connect to Venus & feel her activating your Crown Chakra.
- Meditate daily, connect to the Power of Now, get in the Gap...
–Clear your chakras' energetically regularly – it's just like cleaning your teeth. If you are not sure how to access my chakra healing e-book or my 'Chakra Clearing Balancing and Rejuvenation' Light Langauge Meditation Journey.
- Work with the Violet Flame daily
- Working with crystals such as Clear Quartz, Amethyst, Diamond, Purple Flourite & Sugilite or any other you are attracted to for this purpose.
- Working with essential oils such as: Frankincense, Myrrh, Lotus & Lavender.
– Learn how to communicate with your higher self. I have a powerful process I teach in the pre-training of Divine Blueprint Self Mastery.
– Become my PATRON and receive Free Light Language & Light Code Activations to support your attunement.
– IF YOU WANT TO REALLY SUPPORT YOUR HEALING & MASTERSHIP JOURNEY – consider stepping in for a Mastery & Ascension Frequency Healing Session with me!
4. The Venus Evening Star 7th Gate Celestial Resonance Healing Journey
Working with this transmission daily during this time will profoundly support you to heal and balance your Crown Chakra to empower your conscious evolution and co-creativity! It will greatly support you to attune to and strengthen your Sacred Feminine energy.
This is a healing tool that will never die, it will always connect you to Venus and her journey through the 7th Gate as she ascends as the Evening Star, to support you to receive whatever you need in the NOW moment as you attune to the archetypal “overtone” of each and every Venus Synodic Cycle hereafter.
Here is a SNEAK PEEK of this AMAZING MEDITATION/TRANSMISSION – sharing the first 2 minutes of the 11 minute Celestial Resonance Meditation Journey, you will need to purchase the mp3 audio file to experience the full journey.
(Note: see below, to become a patron and receive the transmission for free)
Purchase the Entire Venus Evening Star Series & Save 10%
You can choose to purchase all the Celestial Resonance Transmissions for the upcoming Venus Evening Star Series (this Series never dies, it will support you for every journey of Venus as the Evening Star into the future).
You will be ready to flow like never before!
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Join Kyronas' Patreon Community as a SUPERSTAR MONTHLY PATRON & receive this meditation & light codes for FREE.