FEEL GREAT - 9 steps to a higher frequency diet and lifestyle
1 x Feel Great – E-Book (PDF Format); Embrace a high-frequency diet & lifestyle to support your growth & mastery.
The FEEL GREAT e-book, is NOT about making you 'feel guilty' or 'not good enough'. This incredibly useful & empowering e-book is also NOT about 'losing weight' or 'making you climb a mountain that is out of your reach'… now isn't that a relief!
More About This Product
This e-book is not only inspiring, it is easy to understand and truly simple to apply in your daily life! In 25 delicious pages, Kyrona shares her wealth of wisdom and life experience, to support you to 'embrace a high-frequency diet & lifestyle - for catapulting your spiritual growth and mastery'!
Kyrona is a globally renowned spiritual teacher, Mastery & Ascension Frequency Healer and mother/grandmother of 6! She has been passionate about the topic of healthy diet and lifestyle for decades - and in this 25-page e-book she shares 'the 9 vital tips, that you can employ to simply and effectively realise health, well-being and spiritual mastership'.
"In this e-book Kyrona shares nine simple tips and lots of great information sources, that you can utilise to simply and effectively start loving yourself and your body a little more each week! The end result will be health, well-being and enhanced spiritual mastership!"
By reading this e-book, it is Kyrona's goal to allow you to become conscious of the energetic impacts of your behaviours in relation to food/drink and your activities, so that you can then follow your guidance, in order to best raise and maintain your high frequency! This is a very important objective if you are wishing to realise your full potential and the highest calling of your soul!
As you read, you will gain an entirely fresh, realistic and absolutely achievable perspective about how you can best choose food/drink and activities that will allow you to raise your frequency, support your spiritual growth, achieve and maintain your health/well-being throughout your entire life, to look good and FEEL GREAT!
It is not rocket science, it does not require suffering and sacrifice! All it requires is the light of consciousness, an understanding of the energy of food and how it impacts you on all levels of your physical/etheric body - and a passion for realising your full potential, living fully, loving life and shining your light into the world!
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