Venus @ 6th Gate Evening Star
1 x MP3 download of Venus’s 3rd Gate Evening Star "3rd Eye Chakra" Galactic Shamanic Journey, featuring Kyrona's Celestial Resonance Healing Song. This is an installment of Kyrona's unique and transformational Venus Synodic Cycle Signature Series - it is a Venus attunement tool of excellence!
About this Phase of the Venus Synodic Cycle
The Initiatory ‘Venus Synodic Cycle’ Journey Continues NOW! We have reached the 6th gate of Perception! The focus is on the 3rd Eye Chakra!
So as Venus (The Goddess Innana) reaches this the 6th Gate she reclaims her Lapis Measuring Rod (or staff/wand/lapis earings) from the gatekeeper, and RECLAIMS her sense of magic and her ability to manifest!
Consciously attuning and flowing with this cycle at this moment allows you to become aware of/and clear any blocks/imbalances/ distortions you have in your Pineal Gland and 3rd eye, returning them to optimal function, perhaps for the first time in this life, in order to heal and empower yourself!
What this means to you is that it‘s time to remove blocks, imbalances & distortion in the Pineal Gland & 3rd Eye – return them to optimal function! To re-template the 3rd Eye Chakra to the next level to RECLAIM YOUR SENSE OF MAGIC, YOUR ABILITY TO MANIFEST!
How this Healing Tool Will Support You
This transmission will support you to align with Venus’s 584-day Synodic Cycle and her journey through the 6th Gate as the Evening Star and for approximately 30 days towards the 7th Gate. Working with this transmission daily during this time will profoundly support you to heal and balance your Pineal Gland/3rd Eye Chakra to empower your conscious evolution and co-creativity! It will greatly support you to attune to and strengthen your Sacred Feminine energy.
Additionally, this transmission as with all in this Venus Synodic Cycle series will greatly support you to attune to and strengthen your Sacred Feminine energy.
This is a healing tool that will never die, it will always connect you to Venus and her journey through the 2nd Gate as the Evening Star – supporting you to receive whatever you need in the NOW moment as you attune to the archetypal “overtone” of each and every Venus Synodic Cycle hereafter.Downloading your File
When you have made your purchase, you will receive a DOWNLOAD LINK on the Thankyou Page.
You will also receive an email with a download link that lasts for 30 days! Be sure to download your file to a safe place within this time.