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Green Zone

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Green Zone

The Green Zone was a heavily fortified zone in the center of the Iraqi capital that served as the headquarters of successive Iraqi regimes. It was the administrative center for the Ba'ath Party.[1] The area was not originally home to the villas of government officials though it was the location of a number of military bases, government ministries, and presidential palaces inhabited by Saddam Hussein and his family.[2] The largest of these was the Republican Palace that was President Saddam Hussein's primary seat of power. The area is also known as Karradat Mariam, so named for a locally famous woman who helped the poor people of Baghdad.[citation needed]

Green zones provide curb space for short-term parking, generally 10, 15 or 30 minutes. Typical effective hours are 9:00 am to 6:00 pm, Monday through Saturday, though some green zone hours may differ. Vehicles that stay longer than the stated green zone time limit are subject to citation. In metered areas, green zones are indicated by either a green cap on the meter or green paint on the curb. In non-metered areas, green zones are indicated by green paint on the curb.

Green zones are intended for establishments where transactions usually take no more than 10 to 15 minutes to complete. Typical establishments that may qualify for a green zone are dry cleaners, florists, small neighborhood grocery/deli convenience stores, audio-visual repair shops, shoe repair shops, postal shipping centers, and banks or ATM locations.

A grace period to lawfully operate a short-term rental without a license extends through April 30, 2023 for STRs located in the STR Overlay Zone A (green) and STRs in Zone B (yellow) or Zone C (red) with either a valid VHR permit or an approved or pending legal nonconforming use application.

SoFi Stadium and Hollywood Park may offer a limited accessible courtesy shuttle for select events. This courtesy shuttle will operate within designated pick-up and drop-off locations within the parking zones. This service will also be available following the conclusion of the event. Please note: SoFi Stadium and Hollywood Park reserve the right to stop or discontinue this service at any time.

In theory, shielding may serve its objective to protect high-risk populations from disease and death. However, implementation of the approach necessitates strict adherence1,6,7, to protocol. Inadvertent introduction of the virus into a green zone may result in rapid transmission among the most vulnerable populations the approach is trying to protect.

Low-risk HH members should not enter the green zone. If entry is necessary, it should be done only by healthy individuals after washing hands and using face coverings. Interactions should be at a safe distance (approx. 2 meters). Minimum movement of high-risk individuals outside the green zone. Low-risk HH members continue to follow social distancing and hygiene practices outside the house.

One entry point is used for exchange of food, supplies, etc. A meeting area is used for residents and visitors to interact while practicing physical distancing (2 meters). No movement into or outside the green zone.

Consideration: The number of green zones required may be greater than anticipated, as they are based on the total number of high-risk individuals, disease categories, and the socio-demographics of the area and not just the proportion of elderly population.

Explanation: The shielding approach proposes that green zones be maintained until one of the following circumstances arises: (i) sufficient hospitalization capacity is established; (ii) effective vaccine or therapeutic options become widely available; or (iii) the COVID-19 epidemic affecting the population subsides.

Consideration: Ensure safe and protective environments for all individuals, including minors and individuals who require additional care whether they are in the green zone or remain in a household after the primary caregiver or income provider has moved to the green zone.

Household-level shielding seems to be the most feasible and dignified as it allows for the least disruption to family structure and lifestyle, critical components to maintaining compliance. However, it is most susceptible to the introduction of a virus due to necessary movement or interaction outside the green zone, less oversight, and often large household sizes. It may be less feasible in settings where family shelters are small and do not have multiple compartments. In humanitarian settings, small village, sector/block, or camp-level shielding may allow for greater adherence to proposed protocol, but at the expense of longer-term social impacts triggered by separation from friends and family, feelings of isolation, and stigmatization. Most importantly, accidental introduction of the virus into a green zone may result in rapid transmission and increased morbidity and mortality as observed in assisted care facilities in the US.26

Local governments can use multiple strategies within green zones to help reduce pollution. For example, local governments may give higher scrutiny for proposed sources of pollution in the green zone and may give priority permits for programs with designations from sustainable regulatory agencies or third party certifications, such as LEED or Living Building Challenge (see Third-Party Certification Requirements).[1] When a local government is creating a green zone some common provisions include signage to deter diesel truck idling, buffer zones for auto related operations from houses, land use restrictions and others.[2] Many of the briefs in this chapter and other chapters may be incorporated directly into green zones. Local governments should draft these ordinances in a way that helps create a healthy neighborhood, remove/reduce existing environmental concerns, develop green economic opportunities, and encourage community involvement.[3]

Green zones can also be a platform to determine if a regulation will be beneficial for the city though a pilot project. Green zones can serve as a pilot to test new sustainable strategies.[4] When a local government creates a green zone, different stages of implementation can allow resources to be added where needed, permitting the government to assess the needs of the zone to benefit the new green zone.[5] Green zones should be implemented in a way that allows for the local government to monitor their effect. A government can utilize phases to fully understand the impact. Phases may include a formation phase, assessment phase, development phase, and management phase.[6] Green zones may be utilized for a variety of zoning types, including residential and commercial.

Los Angeles also has three ecodistricts: Boyle Heights, Pacoima/Sun Valley, and Wilmington.[13] Because these areas have been designated as some of the most vulnerable for environmental problems by the State, the City chose them for the ecodistricts. In the ecodistrict, some of the requirements include one tree for every four parking spaces in a parking lot, and landscape requirements for yards, which include designating specific types of trees and bushes. Along with green zones, the City is implementing Citywide ordinances to compliment the newly formed zones, such as oil refinery Safeguards, and mandatory air filters on building within 1000 feet of a freeway.[14]

Some of the plans to help achieve the goals in the resolution are incentives, such as lower tax rates, for businesses to reduce emissions.[20] Actions to overcome barriers preventing green jobs in the area are also being implemented, providing transportation and connections to jobs and employers with in the green zone.[21] The City also allows for community gardening in parks, helping to make healthier food options more accessible.[22] The working group also created plans to engage schools in the green zone to educate children on the environment even when not in the green zone.[23]

Portland, OR, Lloyd Ecodistrict Roadmap (Nov. 2012) (Portland developed this district that has building efficiency requirements for existing and new buildings in the area, along with aggregated renewable energy programs and other green infrastructure standards).

Green Means Go is a multi-year pilot program to lower greenhouse gas emissions in the six county Sacramento region by using three strategies: accelerating infill development, reducing vehicle trips, and promoting clean mobility options, in targeted areas, called Green Zones. Although the Green Means Go program includes all three strategies, the first, accelerate infill development, is a critical foundation for the other two strategies and is the focus of the first round of Green Means Go funding. The MTP/SCS assumes that over the next two decades, the region will attract roughly 168,000 new homes and 228,000 new jobs to infill areas in cities, suburbs, and towns across the region. This is about 64 percent of new housing and 84 percent of the new jobs expected in the region by 2040. Accommodating future housing and employment alongside existing jobs and services and leveraging the transportation system already in place in existing communities is not only an efficient use of existing infrastructure and space but is critical for achieving air and climate goals. Prioritizing and incentivizing infill development is one of the most important actions government agencies can take to reduce the amount and distance that people need to drive, manage congestion, foster economic development, and reduce tailpipe emissions that affect air quality and greenhouse gas emissions. The Green Means Go effort is intended to help pay for infrastructure upgrades to catalyze infill development envisioned in local land use plans. Establishing the Green Zones is an important first step to develop the Green Means Go program. 59ce067264


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