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Your Natal Chart & Detailed Report - PDF

Your Natal Chart & Detailed Report - PDF

SKU: 284215376135191

1 x Natal Chart & Report delivered to you in PDF Format.


Your Natal Chart is the most amazing tool for navigating your life successfully that you can ever have! Your astrological natal chart is literally the note you wrote to yourself when coming to Earth to remind you of who you are, why you are here, what you came to learn, your strengths, weaknesses and more!   This information offers you a vital tool for not only understanding and supporting yourself, but also for understanding and supporting those close to you (including your children). 


So if you are not aware of your/or your loved ones Natal Chart (also known as your Astrological Birth Chart) and the vital messages it holds for you, then this service is an absolute MUST!

What you receive when you purchase your Natal Chart & Report?

  • A PDF of your Natal Chart
  • A PDF of a comprehensive and personalised Natal Chart Report (usually over 25 pages long). This easy to understand report, is written in a way that even the novice to astrology, will be able to fully benefit from the invaluable information it offers about the energy of their Natal Chart and what it means to them.

These are both emailed to you directly.


Your report will be created by Kyrona - using the time, date and location of your  birth. Your Natal Chart will be created using the Whole House System & the Report will utilise Mundane Astrological Interpretations.  

  • What is your natal chart & why its important!

    So that you understand more clearly – your Natal Chart is a map of the location of planets, the starry constellations, sun & moon at the moment of your birth eg if your sun is in the constellation of Leo – so you may call yourself a Leo.  (The picture in this product description above is of  Kyrona’s Natal Chart)


    Everyone’s Natal Chart is unique to them, no other person's energy is exactly the same.  The energy of this map contains much technology, wisdom and instruction for you.  This energy is woven into your DNA on an electro-magnetic level, so it is a part of every cell of your being (known as your Divine Blueprint).


    Do realise that you chose the specific moment of your birth, to access the specific energy you wanted to best support you to be successful in your souls' objectives during this life.  As a result, your Natal Chart is like a message you wrote to yourself before entering Earth, guiding you as to what your family dynamics will be like, what your personal strengths are and how to maximise them, what your weaknesses and limitations are and how to best manage these, the types of relationships that you are wanting to experience and the types of relationships that will best support your growth, what you came here to learn, what you came here to heal, the gifts you have bought with you to share with the world, what sort of career is best suited to you and your divine purpose, how you will relate to the energy of money and how you can best bring this relationship into balance, and so much more!


    Your Natal Chart is also like your very on GPS or Navigational system.  It describes the divine timing of your life, the timing of the cycles of your growth, healing individuation and maturation, your awakening and so much more.


    I believe it is vital for every conscious being to be aware of their Natal Chart, so that they can honour themselves and the life they have chosen for themselves.  Moving through their life in conscious alignment to the divine plan for themselves.


    Accessing your Natal Chart and Report is the first very important step in connecting to this information!  It is an incredible gift to give to yourself.


  • How to access your report

    Simply use the button below to book and pay for your Natal Chart & Report to be created and forwarded to you.


    You will be sent an email asking you for the date, time and location of your birth.


    When you provide Kyrona has this information she will be able to create your chart & email it to you within a few days.


    * NOTE: You must have your time of birth to receive an accurate chart (if you are unsure of your birth-time, ask your mother OR see a kinesiologist to determine it).

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