Venus past 8th Gate and into The Underworld
1 x MP3 download of Venus’s 8th Gate and JOURNEY INTO THE UNDERWORLD (The Dark Goddess Initiation) - Galactic Shamanic Journey, featuring Kyrona's Celestial Resonance Healing Song. This is an installment of Kyrona's unique and transformational Venus Synodic Cycle Signature Series - it is a Venus attunement tool of excellence!
YOU have reached the 8th Gate of DEATH BY INTENT and are now entering the UNDERWORLD. You are entering an initiation phase where you may experience the deepest purification and “burning away” of all that is in need of release and transformation in your life!
About this Phase of the Venus Synodic Cycle
The journey with Venus as the Dark Goddess into the Underworld is deeply transformative for everyone and totally profound for those engaging with it consciously, especially if they are in their Venus Return year – turning 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48, 56, 62, 70 etc during this cycle.
Well as we view the morning sky above, to our eyes we have been observing Venus rising later and later OR closer and closer to dawn. Venus has not been getting high into the morning sky at all, she is ever closer to the horizon, depending on your landscape she may well not be visible at all now. As she moves to the 8th Gate, she is coming closer and closer to 10 degrees from the Sun, which means we can no longer see her in the morning sky. Most people therefore can not see Venus as she reaches the 8th Gate and soon thereafter she becomes invisible to all. She has fully entered the underworld.
When Venus Disappears from the Morning Sky from our view she is considered to be “in the Underworld.” Yet she is in fact at the “Heart of the Sun” or Great Mystery, crossing behind the Sun. We can see this Underworld Initiation as being held in Great Mystery (the Sun) for the deepest purification and “burning away” of all that is in need of release and transformation in our life.
Venus Journeying through the Underworld – brings us to connect with VENUS as the Dark Goddess (goddess of a million names such as Kali, Hecate, Cerridwen, Lilith, Persephone, Fata, Morgana, Ereshkigal, Arianhrod, Durga, Inanna, Tiamat ).
So at this time with Venus entering the Underworld – we know that the time of the Dark Goddess has arrived and she is overseeing our evolution.
In the Underworld Linear Rules Do Not Apply! It is worth remembering that surrender is essential, judgement is to be left at the door – for the ways of the underworld are perfect, no matter how they may present themselves, there is always a higher purpose behind them.
How this Healing Tool Will Support You
It is optimal that you journey with this 5-minute transmission regularly (at least 3 times per week) while Venus in in the Underworld until Venus Rises as the Evening Star!
NOTE: You can work with this transmission at any time and receive all the great benefits it offers. So if you are wishing to catch up on the journey with this current cycle, you simply wish to support a death/rebirth initiation, support your Earth Star Chakra OR wish to strengthen your connection to Venus and the Divine Feminine, this transmission will still be profoundly effective right now. This is possible because Celestial Resonance Light Language operates outside of time and space, so each time you listen to this transmission you will be connecting to that moment.
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