One day each year the Great Awakener Uranus conjuncts (meets with) the Sun our source of life and light! In 2022 the day is the 3/4 May, with the Sun in Taurus. The energy is high frequency, electrified, fast-paced, and for many quite ungrounding. It is very important for everyone to consciously navigate this celestial flow! Keep reading to learn how...
The great news is - if you are seeking insight, and brilliant ideas, be sure to get out a notebook and be prepared for downloads. Expect high octane surprises and redirects, or even a quantum shift to get you on track, consciously working with this celestial flow is very beneficial indeed! It is especially potent if you are currently in a Uranus Initiation (book a session to determine if you are).
The cautionary note is - that with this incoming electromagnetic, sizzling energy it is advisable to slow down as much as possible and try not to multi-task (as it can create accidents if you are ungrounded), to exercise and release excess energy build-up which will support your mind to not overload itself and will prevent burn-out. Do control your emotions/particularly angry outbursts, and avoid angry or toxic people, they may well be in fine form with this incoming energy. Finally, it is quite common for lightbody symptoms to peak around this celestial flow, as it is so electromagnetic, have a read of this article 'Common Lightbody Symptoms and how to Alleviate Them' to support yourself if you are having physical symptoms.
1. Access this healing song
I highly recommend you work with my all-new 'Uranus conjunct Sun Attunement & Activation' - it is a powerful way to consciously connect, ground, attune and activate. It will assist you to embody all that is destined for you in this celestial flow, to clear and integrate the energies with as much grace and ease as possible. You can work with it every year, such is the magic of Celestial Resonance! This transmission is offered freely for this week, to all Super Star Patrons on Patreon visit and join for instant access and download.
2. Ceremony with the Sun
If at all possible, this is the day to get outside and view a sunrise or sunset. As you view the Sun, consciously visualise the Sun with Uranus (who of course we cannot see with the naked eye) together and breathe in the incoming energy. Say a prayer or express an intention. I always add "I ask Uranus to surprise and delight me". And remember to ground, ground, ground afterwards!