Does how I listen to Celestial Resonance impact its effectiveness?
Question: ” Dear Kyrona, A small question: does whether I listen to Celestial Resonance with headphones or without make a difference?”...
Question: ” Dear Kyrona, A small question: does whether I listen to Celestial Resonance with headphones or without make a difference?”...
As the energy builds towards many powerful Astrological Power Portals (like Eclipses, Solstices or the 8:8 Lions Gate) you may well have...
A MUST READ – Recommended Listening Instructions The following information is vitally important to all who are connecting with Kyrona’s...
Kyrona explains: "When I run every healing session or ceremony, I am weaving the healing frequencies, keys and codes in real-time,...
“Did you realise that you can access healing with me, no matter where you live, what your time zone is OR how little spare time you...