“Did you realise that you can access healing with me, no matter where you live, what your time zone is OR how little spare time you have!”
ALL of the healing services and many of the ceremonies I facilitate are performed as distance healings. As can be seen by the many testimonials from clients shared on this site, this method of working is extremely effective & enjoyed by all!
In this post I will discuss how this is possible, how I work in this way, what you will experience and more…
Many people are more than a little amazed when they first realise that I offer absentee or distance healings to clients located all over the world, from all cities in Australia, to those in South Africa, India, Canada, the United States, England, Scotland, Switzerland, France, Denmark and the list goes on! Many people enquiring about absentee healings ask me; “how is it possible to do this?” , “what do I as the healer feel when running an absentee healing session?”, “will an absentee session work as effectively as a face-to-face healing session?” and “what will they experience?” and “is it safe?”
So let me now answer those frequently asked questions in relation to distance healing!

How is it possible to perform an Distance healing?
As has now been so clearly shown through the field of Quantum Physics everything is energy and we are all connected energetically (if you haven’t seen “What the Bleep” and its follow on “Down the Rabbit Hold Disc 1” please try to do so – it should be essential viewing for every human being on our planet today!). Here you will find that it is now scientifically proven that by focusing our attention we can absolutely impact the physical world around us and the events occurring therein, regardless of whether the object of our attention is in our near vicinity or on the other side of the planet. It has also been shown that those people who have mastered the art of focusing their attention have a greater ability to manifest positive results.
The Frequency Healing process I facilitate is a hands off journey, in which weave high frequencies, electromagnetic and lightbody technologies from the Earth and Cosmos (supported by my healing team) to create the alchemy needed in a clients body, thus facilitating healing, personal mastery and ascension. So you see as a hands off healing process that works purely in the energetic realm, there is absolutely no requirement for face-to-face contact.
So for me it is simple, at the beginning of each healing session I simply connect into the unified field and through this field (that connects us all) I connect to you, your DNA, your physical and etheric bodies and in this connected field, unlimited by time & space, I weave the healing frequencies, keys and codes you need into your multidimensional being.
What do I as the healer feel when running an distance healing session and does distance session work as effectively as a face-to-face healing session?
From the very beginningg of my service/career as a Healer over 20 years ago the concept of offering distance healings came naturally to me and performing them occurred with great ease. In fact it makes no difference to me whether a client is in my healing room or on the other side of the world – in truth I cannot tell the difference energetically between a distance healing and a face-to-face healing!
I feel no difference when running face-to-face or distance healing sessions – in fact as a mostly clairsentient / clair
cognizant healer I usually work with my eyes closed anyway. What I do find in distance healings is that because I am not having to interact with a clients personality/ego self etc, I am free to focus 100% on facilitating the divine frequencies for them, which I believe does in many cases allow for a more powerful healing and healing response
. I also find that when I am recording the healing summary – the client and I are gifted with much additional wisdom that is very empowering, best of all this wisdom is not lost but recorded for future referral. The other great benefit of this way of working is that people from all over the globe can access healings with me.
This is why today ALL of the healing services and many of the events I facilitate are through distance. As can be seen by the many testimonials from clients shared on this site, this method of working is extremely effective & enjoyed by all!
What does a client experience when receiving an distance healing session?
Each clients experience varies depending on their own level of perception, their unique intuitive nature, their sensitivity to energy and whether or not they choose to take time out to focus on the healing session at the time it is being performed. Regardless of their physical and immediate responses to healing sessions, the vast majority of those I have worked with feel the benefits they are getting from their commitment to working with the energy and continue their journeys long term – experiencing all the change, empowerment, growth and healing that comes with it.
In most cases clients wish to set aside an hour to fully experience their session, and certainly their attention to the process is beneficial. So at the designated time, they create a relaxing environment, burn a candle and place it next to a clear quartz, sit or lie quietly – enhancing t
heir experience. The vast majority of people who do this experience a great deal during their session – which usually shocks them the first few times!! Others may not have time or inclination for this – and that is also fine they will still experience the full benefits of the session. In this case I simple run the energy at any time and ‘time lock’ it to be delivered when is most beneficial to them (time is an illusion after all).
Are distance healings safe?
As a divinely facilitated process everything to do the Frequency Healings I offer is safe and the client is always safe and protected. To make absolutely sure that the energies are delivered in a safe fashion, I always set the intent from the outset, that the client is kept safe, that the frequencies are delivered at the perfect time and that they are able to integrate the frequencies as effectively as possible.
How can a client make the most of a distance healing?
If you have scheduled a distance healing, you can do a few things to ensure your experience is the most pleasant.
At the time of your frequency healing, it is great if you can arrange to be in meditation (the session will take 1 hour). If this is not possible for you to do this its OK – simply set your intent to receive your session at another time and it will be time locked to run at that time/day/location (preferably within 24 hours).
It is really wonderful if you can create a sacred environment to receive your frequency healing, so find yourself a quiet space in your home, and relax in meditation.
Alternatively you can sit/walk/be outside in nature in a place that is sacred or special to you! The nature spirits love to support energy transference. If none of these are possible for whatever reason, just set the intent to receive the frequencies and integrate them effectively, with grace and ease (this will work just as effectively), as it is an over-riding intent with all journeys I facilitate.