Twin Flames Re-united, Contracts Completed, New Books Opened: New Frequency Child manifested!
(Life is an ever-changing journey, and as I knew and learned through this experience first hand Twin Flame journeys can be very taxing, challenging, and life-changing. They are not for the faint hearted. They often don't have a magical happy-ever-after ending... but they always co-create massive growth and direct people onto their ultimate paths! So while the marriage discussed below ended in August 2019, I honor its 12 years of highs, lows, memories, and experiences. So I will continue to share my words from the past about this time below, despite a small desire to erase it all...)
Who would have guessed that at nearly 40, after 16 years of being a single mother, through a most wonderful set of synchronistic events, I would meet my twin flame.... finally!
I did have something to do with this I see at the time with all the devastating developments of my "being ex-communicated" from my spiritual soul group of frequency healers, my healing business being completely closed down as a result, my light language opening powerfully, while also being in the midst of a spiritual crisis, all the while supporting my teenage children one of whom was in his final year of school and the other having just experienced a traumatic event... I was at my wit's end... And at this moment I learned once more how supported I am.
You see I was so angry, so hurt, so lost, that I passionately cried out to the universe in anger 'demanding my soul mate & saying that if they didn't turn up I was going to quit being of service!' and you know I think I meant it!
I was contacted by email by my future husband Darryn Hope on the 18th of October 2007 (and I knew at that moment he was the soul I had been getting messages about for over 6 months!)... We met physically for the first time in this life under a full moon on 26th October 2007 (having a very long evening wine/dip at Mooloolabah Beach, Qld, Australia) - I remember going home from that date at 3am in the morning and telling my flatmate that "I had had the best date EVER"! Little did I know it was my last date as a single woman!
7 weeks later on the 21st of December 2007, we were unexpectedly married by the angelic realms in a magical moment that will be with me through all eternity!
About that Angelic Wedding?
You see Darryn and I who had just started living together under the same roof with our 5 children (about a week earlier), were sitting on our balcony couch overlooking the forest in the backyard. Our children had all just headed off to school - we were as usual talking intimately 'very IN LOVE'.... losing track of time as usual.... when the magic happened!
It was as if time stood still - and we both became aware that we were surrounded by angels. The angels proceeded to go into the ceremony, both of us realising they were marrying us... When this was over, with tears of joy streaming down our faces, we looked at each other and both said "I think we just got married"...
As if this were not amazing enough, I quickly got up and ran into my bedroom to collect a ring I had purchased the day before as Darryns Christmas present (hoping it was big enough for his very big hands)... and yes it fit perfectly on his ring finger (no other)!!
Soon after the exchange of this ring, we both got on the phone to tell our family we had just got married! Letting them know that we were going to do it all again for them in the new year.
We did get legally married in a sacred ceremony on the balcony of our new home the following February 7th, 2008 with friends and family sharing our day!
When your destiny calls, when your souls are meant to connect and fulfill contracts, to support and love each other - magic happens!
The wonder and miracles that occurred to allow me to meet my husband and that have occurred since our meeting always remind me we are meant to be together! So when times are challenging - and we have had many of these times - we know to knuckle down and do the work, to move through these tough times, for it is our destiny and calling to do so!
We are each other's greatest teachers!
Sheanah Harmony Hope arrived at 3.08am 3rd March 2009!

So shortly after our marriage, we were visited by a very persistent soul, who wanted to join our family. What an unexpected event this was, as we had both agreed we were not having any more children as we certainly had enough.
Well this souls persistence and love was undeniable to us both and we found ourselves changing our minds and deciding that we were open to the idea of another child if that is what the universe intended for us.
Now here is another miracle moment. You see after the operations I had on my uterus in my twenties there was very little chance of my conceiving, combined with my age the doctors said I had at best a 2% chance of conception. We of course knew better - miracles abound in our lives and my body has healed itself so much, particularly my wounding of the feminine and navel chakra regions.
So only one month after deciding to try - we were blessed with the conception of our miracle girl!
I have written a great deal about the lessons bought to me through spirit and Sheannah in the times pre-conception /pregnancy /sacred birth and beyond, as it was part of my destiny to do so. You can learn all about these things by visiting my New Frequency Child Blog & Program (that birthed at this time & has empowered so many since its inception in 2009) Note: This program is no longer available online, however, you can still purchase my audiobook here.

Sheannah Harmony Hope" arrived at 3.08am on 8th Day March 2009. It was a sacred home birth (she entered earth within my healing space - awash with the beauty of candles, scents and music), I utilised hypnobirthing and as such experienced the birthing as empowering, deeply intimate even romantic, deeply loving and enjoyable till the end. Her father the midwife and I were all that were
present and she was born into the hands of her father. She had a lotus birth and we anointed her & her placenta in a sacred ceremony in the hour after her birth - an incredible experience!
My life with my baby girl, who is now 5 and my husband - has gifted me great joy. Sheannah bestowed great love upon us through this ''celebration of life' and through the gentle touch of 'The Divine Feminine' that now flows so freely and strongly within me. As a result of this journey I have been able to open even more fully to my soul self, gifts and talents. Sheannah continues to inspire me. Darryn is my rock, my foundation, my soft place to fall, my best friend and absolutely my soul mate forever!"
Love Kyrona December 31, 2013