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Part 15: Venus Evening Star at the 5th Gate of Communication - Throat Chakra Initiation

Updated: Oct 28, 2021

Venus is sharing the mysteries of the Gemini Rainbow Goddess of Light & Promise with YOU!

(Affecting YOU from Sept 9/10 to Oct 8/9, 2021 )

YOU are now continuing your potent Celestial Resonance Living Light Language transformational journey with Kyrona & Venus. YOU have reached the 5th Gate of Communication on your journey with Venus as she rises as the Evening Star. It is time to open to the full power of your Throat Chakra, to reclaim the power of your words (the voice of the GODDESS), to communicate your deepest truth, through inspired, confident, respectful and creative self-expression.

This article discusses: –

1. The importance of the Venus Cycle & her journey as the GEMINI Goddess.

2. About the 5th Gate of Communication & this Celestial Resonance Transmission.

3. About the Throat Chakra. When it is Balanced & Imbalanced.

4. Healing Tips, Tools & Wisdom’s to support you to balance your Throat Chakra.

5. Experience the Venus 5th Gate Evening Star Transmission *AUDIO* (scroll to the bottom)

1. About the Current Gemini Venus Cycle

The current Venus Cycle dates: June 9, 2020 - January 13, 2022

In this her Gemini METAGODDESS CYCLE - Venus as the Gemini Rainbow Goddess of Light and Promise is supporting the emergence of the Magical Goddess and Child within each of us, bringing the spirit of play, imagination, co-creative alchemy, shapeshifter skills, and magical consciousness alive within us so we can join others in shapeshifting fear into playful people power to co-create our New Earth.

The Gemini Goddess is also known as Iris or Ix Chel the Rainbow Goddess, Seshat the great scribe, Changing Woman who marries the medicine of feminine and masculine within and helps us navigate change, Barnumbirr the Yolngu Aboriginal Goddess who casts the Songlines across the dreaming land, Mistress of Magic accomplishing impossible things, among many others.

2. About the 5th Gate of Communication

So as Venus (The Goddess Inanna) connects to the 5th Gate she reclaims her Lapis Lazuli Necklace from the gatekeeper, symbolising her return to healthy creative communication. She opens to full inspired creative expression, embracing fully the power of the word. This is a very significant moment in Venus’s 584 day Synodic Cycle!

Consciously attuning and flowing with this cycle at this moment allows you to become aware of/and clear any blocks/imbalances/ distortions you have in your Thyroid and Throat Chakra, returning them to optimal function, perhaps for the first time in this life, in order to heal and empower yourself through communication!

3. About the Throat Chakra

When your Throat Chakra is functioning optimally

If your Thyroid & Throat Chakra are operating optimally, among other things, this usually results in heightened intuition and telepathy. You are able to communicate with your higher self, guides, etc, and experience an alignment between personal and divine will. An ability to live in the present moment. To take responsibility for your personal needs. You are a person who seeks out and expresses truth. You are considerate and respectful. You honestly communicate at all times. You understand the dynamics of communication and sense when it is time to speak and time to listen. You are a great speaker, writer, singer. You love to creatively express yourself in all ways. You may well have a good sense of humor.

When your Throat Chakra is Blocked or Unbalanced

Common physical symptoms of an imbalanced Throat Chakra include; regular sore throats, laryngitis, mouth ulcers, swollen glands, gum & tooth problems, TMJ, and Occiput issues. Symptoms relating to thyroid imbalances are many, varied and serious, please research these if needed.

With an Excessively Open Throat Chakra; people tend to be over-talkative and have difficulty listening. They can be dogmatic, self-righteous even arrogant. They are often very critical of themselves and others.

With a deficient Throat Chakra; people tend to be fearful, timid, quiet, and often afraid to speak up. They have difficulty expressing their thoughts and feelings. They can be unreliable and inconsistent. They could be devious and manipulative. They can lack personal will or have difficulty making decisions. They can lack discernment. They can have difficulty connecting to and communicating with their higher self, guides, etc.

Vital Steps you can take to support healing your Throat Chakra

Here is a list of suggested activities that you can work with to support your healing journey! This is just to get you started, follow your guidance always!

– Work with this Venus 5th Gate Evening Star Transmission (scroll down) and this year’s FREE GIFT of the Annual Attunement Transmission.

– It is great to sing, chant or hum and/or listen to music.

Clear your chakras' energetically regularly – it's just like cleaning your teeth. If you are not sure how to access my chakra healing e-book .

– Learning to breathe correctly can really help – look to Yogic Breathe or Pranayama.

– Begin communicating your truth to yourself by journaling, even then reading this out loud to yourself with all the emotions on! Then one day at a time and step at a time, start to take opportunities to express your truth to others.

Learn how to communicate with your higher self. I have a powerful process I teach in the pre-training of Divine Blueprint Self Mastery.

– Working with crystals such as; Clear Quartz, Lapis Lazuli, Sodalite, Blue Sapphire, Blue Topaz, Blue Turquoise, Celestite, Azurite, or any other you are attracted to for this purpose.

Become my PATRON and receive Free Light Language & Light Code Activations to support your attunement.

– IF YOU WANT TO REALLY SUPPORT YOUR HEALING & MASTERSHIP JOURNEY – consider stepping in for a Mastery & Ascension Frequency Healing Session with me!

4. The Venus Evening Star 5th Gate Celestial Resonance Healing Journey

Working with this transmission daily during this time will profoundly support you to heal and balance your Thyroid Gland & Throat Chakra to empower your honest, heart-based communication for conscious evolution and co-creativity! It will greatly support you to attune to and strengthen your Sacred Feminine energy.

This transmission will also support you to attune to the current archetypal “overtone” of the Venus Goddess. As such the frequencies, keys, and codes of this transmission will powerfully support your enlightenment journey!

This is a healing tool that will never die, it will always connect you to Venus and her journey through the 5th Gate as she ascends as the Evening Star, to support you to receive whatever you need in the NOW moment as you attune to the archetypal “overtone” of each and every Venus Synodic Cycle hereafter.

Here is a SNEAK PEEK of this AMAZING MEDITATION/TRANSMISSION – sharing the first 2 minutes of the 12 minute Celestial Resonance Meditation Journey, you will need to purchase the mp3 audio file to experience the full journey.

(Note: see below, to become a patron and receive the transmission for free)


Purchase the Entire Venus Evening Star Series & Save 10%

You can choose to purchase all the Celestial Resonance Transmissions for the upcoming Venus Evening Star Series (this Series never dies, it will support you for every journey of Venus as the Evening Star into the future).

You will be ready to flow like never before!

Check out this great product bundle & save...



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