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Writer's pictureKyrona Unity Hope

PREPARE & FLOW - May 26, 2021, Super Full Blood Moon Total Lunar Eclipse

Updated: May 12, 2021

The 25/26th May 2021 Super Full Blood Moon Total Lunar Eclipse, is at 5 degrees Sagittarius (Sun 5 degrees Gemini). This is the first of 2 eclipses in this first eclipse season of the 2021 year.

All Lunar Eclipses are powerful Full Moons that are ‘course correctors’ and are meant to change your life!

In this article I will offer you insights into;

  1. WHY is it so important to align with this TOTAL Lunar Eclipse?

  2. The energetic details of this Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius (conjunct South Node)…What this all means for YOU!

  3. The benefits of a Mastery Initiation & Lightbody Activation’s Session during the eclipse? And then


1. WHY is is vitally important to align with Celestial Flow of this Lunar Eclipse power portal?

As a Star Priestess, I am passionate about helping you to understand why it is so important to honour this Lunar Eclipse & to support you to align with it! So let me explain in simple terms for you why I know this activity is so vital…

Consciously aligning with the Celestial Flow of this Lunar Eclipse Power Portal (in fact all power portals) allows you to align your co-creative activities with the Divine Plan for your life and for humanity. Being aligned with Celestial Flow ensures that YOU are planting the seeds of your co-creative activities, at the optimum moments, in the right seasons of your life, to ensure their most efficient growth & an optimum harvest!

Thus aligning with Celestial Flow allows YOU to power up your healing, growth & co-creative activities – to supercharge their impact!

As you step more and more fully into higher levels of consciousness and reality – as you more fully realise within yourself the physical unification of ‘as above’ and ‘so below‘ – you come to understand the importance and power of embodying Cosmic Consciousness in your everyday life!

Through choosing to become aware of and move with the Celestial Flow or ‘ as above‘ your ability to co-create your life and reality magnifies exponentially!

This is why consciously choosing to align with Celestial Flow is not only wise, but I would go so far as to say VITAL to your growth & evolution as a soul, it is a HUGE key for achieving your destiny and purpose in this life!

I am passionate about supporting you to move in alignment with the celestial flow & become the greatest vision of yourself! Supporting you to become the most powerful co-creator you can be! Celestial Resonance is a profound tool for supporting you to do so, as are my services and workshops that incorporate and weave this technology! You can join me in Global Ceremony and big Energy Support this Eclipse - Go HERE to learn more and Join.

2. The energetic details of this 26 May 2021, Total Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius & WHAT IT MEANS for YOU!

All Lunar Eclipses are powerful Full Moons that are ‘course correctors’ and are meant to change your life!

Lunar Eclipses always create environmental instability and a time of frenzied activity, usually creating internal anxiety, big dreams, and often profound insights! The unstable environment occurs because there is a change in the electromagnetic energy that affects us mentally and neurologically.

The Total Lunar Eclipse on May 25/26th 2021 (depending on where you live) will occur as the Moon is at 5 degrees Sagittarius and the Sun is directly opposite in Gemini (5 degrees). The Moon will be conjunct the South Node at 10 Sagittarius. This means that there will be a focus on the past, past life experiences coming up for seeing, acknowledging and healing in this eclipse.

A lunar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes directly behind Earth and into its shadow. This can occur only when the Sun, Earth, and the Moon are aligned exactly or very closely so, with the planet in between. Hence, a lunar eclipse can occur only on the night of a full moon.

This eclipse is not only connecting with our Global Soul with a big evolutionary objective, but it is also CONNECTING TO YOU in very personal & unique ways (as determined by your Divine Blueprint, which is the energy of your birth astrology that is weaved into your DNA).

Super Blood Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse 26 May 2021 – Cool Details

This May 26th total lunar eclipse is supercharged because it is a total lunar eclipse also known as a Blood Moon, because of the reddish-orange glow the Moon takes on during the eclipse. And because this Full Moon will also be closest to the Earth or perigee also known as a Super Moon (in fact this closest it will be all year, and nearly as close as it can ever be!) Thus this is a Super Full Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse!

You can learn about the time/date in your location of the time of this Super Blood Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse by going here . The entire eclipse is visible for me here on the Sunshine Coast of Australia - so it is going to be a big treat indeed! Below is a picture that shows where this eclipse can be seen from in the world.

Stepping into this Mastery Initiation & Lightbody Activation is a powerful way to support yourself and a powerful way to support our Earth during this vital Power Portal!

Without a doubt, this is the work of self-mastery my friends and conscious navigation will greatly support you. The key to successfully traversing this time will be conscious attunement, practicing sacred ritual/ceremony, and accessing spiritual healing as needed to facilitate the process.

You are a divine being, a divine co-creator weaving in our new reality & world. You are ‘who you have been waiting for’. At this time miraculous healing and transformation is indeed possible and to be expected!

So now let me explain how you can really support yourself enormously during this upcoming Power Portal by deciding to have a Mastery Initiation & Lightbody Activation Session with me!

THEN I am going to ensure that you are aware of all the other wonderful ways you can choose to support yourself during this intense time…so KEEP READING!

3. How will you benefit from stepping into a Mastery Initiation & Lightbody Activation Global Ceremony during this Lunar Eclipse?

Having a Mastery Initiation Session offers you the opportunity to connect intimately and powerfully with this 25/26th May 2021, Sagittarius Super Full Blood Moon Total Lunar Eclipse ascension portal. Supporting you to raise your frequency and consciousness and make an incredible evolutionary leap forward, in order to embody the next level of your self-mastery! Your session will support you to completely attune to the incoming frequencies, keys and codes pouring forth from the power portal. To surrender, release and open – in order to receive, anchor, integrate and fully benefit from the gifts being offered.

Just as importantly the session will support you to minimise the challenges that the energies may bring up for you. Your energy will be cleared to make way for the new. Your DNA light codes will be activated, your lightbody supported to stay balanced and brighten, in order to more fully activate your Merkabah. All, of course, with the over-riding intent of being in alignment with your highest good and the highest good of all.

On the day of the session, you will also receive a Celestial Resonance Living Light Language Transmission specifically channeled through during this portal to support you, as well as, a photograph of the Crystal Grid created on the day. You are encouraged to journey with these for the two weeks following the alignment to maximise the rewards of your efforts.

It is difficult to explain just how profound and powerful these experiences are in words – the best way to really know their potency is to step in and experience a SESSION for yourself!


4. Activities that will support you to make the most of this Lunar Eclipse Power Portal

1. STEP INTO MY GLOBAL EVENT - and be lite up!

Kyrona will facilitate a Global Ceremony

(MILA) to support YOU to attune to this eclipse, clear, integrate its energy and flow with its urgings. You will experience a 20-minute energy session and Celestial Resonance will be central to the work. Emails of the MP3 downloads for music & ceremony.

NO MATTER WHERE YOU LIVE – YOU CAN JOIN ME Go here to learn more and get your ticket only AU$55!


2. Download my 2021 Annual Free Gift to support your Alignment

This is a profound energy healing tool. While it will not be as potent as the actual Transmission from the above event, especially when the targetted energy work of the event is considered, it will support you! Go here to listen and download Now for FREE


3. OVER TO YOU Persona Ceremony and Other Activities

During this Eclipse window you are encouraged to bring ceremony into your life! Whether or not you decide to attend my Global Event on the day, I encourage you to consider the following to help you energetically attune.

  1. Get out and view either Sunset/ Sunrise or the Actual Lunar Eclipse on the day!

  2. Visit HERE to see what date/time the Eclipse will occur for you and if you can see it. Try to be awake at this time to view or feel the energy & conduct ceremony as you are guided (it could be as simply as listening to the above light language).

  3. Gather in ceremony with others on this day to magnify the healing power of this event for yourself and our Earth! Being a part of the Eclipse Mastery Initiation & Lightbody Activation Ceremony allows you to do just this, as you will be connecting with a soul group globally and sharing the energy through my Celestial Temple & the unified field!

I trust that with this information you will be inspired to consciously navigate this powerful and intense time on Earth, maximising its incredible potential and minimising and challenges that arise for you!

Celestial Resonance Be Yours!

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