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Part 11: Venus Evening Star at the 1st Gate of Manifestation- Base Chakra Initiation

Updated: Jun 23, 2021

Venus is sharing the mysteries of the Gemini Rainbow Goddess of Light & Promise with YOU!

(Affecting YOU from 12 May, 2021 to June 11, 2021)

YOU are now continuing your potent Celestial Resonance Living Light Language transformational journey with Kyrona & Venus. Venus has left the underworld & YOU have reached the 1st Gate of Manifestation on your Ascension journey with Venus the Evening Star. It is time to reclaim your Royal Robes, to regain your life force and all your earthly power. To step fully into your power as a co-creator of your reality & our new world!

This article discusses: –

1. The importance of the Venus Cycle & her journey as the GEMINI Goddess.

2. About the 1st Gate of Manifestation & this Celestial Resonance Transmission.

3. About the Base Chakra. When it is Balanced & Imbalanced.

4. Healing Tips, Tools & Wisdom’s to support you to balance your Base/Root Chakra.

5. Experience the Venus 1st Gate Evening Star Transmission *AUDIO* (scroll to the bottom)

1. About the Current Gemini Venus Cycle

The current Venus Cycle dates: June 9, 2020 - January 13, 2022

In this her Gemini METAGODDESS CYCLE - Venus as the Gemini Rainbow Goddess of Light and Promise is supporting the emergence of the Magical Goddess and Child within each of us, bringing the spirit of play, imagination, co-creative alchemy, shapeshifter skills, and magical consciousness alive within us so we can join others in shapeshifting fear into playful people power to co-create our New Earth.

The Gemini Goddess is also known as Iris or Ix Chel the Rainbow Goddess, Seshat the great scribe, Changing Woman who marries the medicine of feminine and masculine within and helps us navigate change, Barnumbirr the Yolngu Aboriginal Goddess who casts the Songlines across the dreaming land, Mistress of Magic accomplishing impossible things, among many others.

2. About the 1st Gate of Manifestation

We have ascended with Venus from the Underworld & now reach the 1st Gate of MANIFESTATION! The focus is on the BASE & EARTH STAR Chakras!

Venus (The Goddess Inanna) now retrieves her royal robe, or her Garment of Ladyship, that she surrendered to the Gatekeeper as she reached the 7th Gate as the Morning Star on her descent into the underworld. Having reclaimed her royal robe, she now regains her life force and all her earthly power!

She now shifts in frequency, embodying a new level of consciousness and mastery, as she opens to her Divine Feminine Power of Manifestation, coming to fully understand the Mysteries of successfully being in the physical body, being grounded, feeling safe, and connected to the Earth! To fully realise her ability as the co-creator of her reality & our world… “to dream the world into reality”.

My friends at this truly magnificent celebratory moment, we are truly “enlivened”, catapulted forward, in a potent co-creative power portal, receiving precious gifts beyond measure! So do be conscious of this moment and be sure to be clear in relation to what you wish to co-create & then to seed it well, tending to your dream seeds with your imaginings, words, actions, and ceremony!

Do know that as we rise once more moving through the initiatory gates with Venus, we will still encounter those personal “demons” we have become aware of during our profound descent and underworld journey with Venus. Understand that the patterns/fears/wounds that you have become aware of and have worked on healing, transmuting releasing up until now, will be presented to you again… But at this ascension moment, as we rise with Venus through each gate, our intent shifts to integrating these “personal demons” into our being, as our allies in our life journey!

We can consider this ‘rising phase’ of the Venus Synodic Cycle as the time for becoming aware of and opening to the silver lining that comes with each demon! To opening to the wisdom, character, strength, knowingness & healing techniques you have gained as a result of your journey with your personal “demons” during the descent & underworld phase of the synodic cycle.

3. About the Base Chakra

The Base Chakra is about Life Force Energy /Feeling Safe / Centered/ Belonging.

The base chakra is also known as the root chakra. It is the foundation upon which every other body system relies for stability. It is the primary source of usable energy, drawn upon in times of danger to supply energy and physical solution to life-threatening problems.

Centering and grounding are key attributes of the base chakra, establishing us firmly within our physical system, alerting us to the world around us, and protecting our energies from depletion. Healthy motivation, an ability to manifest and deal with change. As such the state of our base chakra indicates one’s degree of grounding and focused application in daily activity.

A balanced base chakra is vital if we are to keep a grip on reality. A block or stress within the chakra can lead to feelings of unreality, isolation, or not being able to cope. There may be a sense of pointlessness and an inability to achieve goals.

Our Deepest Fears/Core Wounding: –

For many this chakra holds the energy of our deepest fears, our biggest soul wounding. These things are so often defined by the position of the Centaur CHIRON in our Divine Blueprint – defining the core woundings we can to Earth to heal and through that healing to gift our wisdom back “pass it forward”. As well as our Pluto – whose position in our Divine Blueprint defines our deepest fears and the area of our life where we will most experience the energy of death/rebirth/void. Similarly, when we are in initiation with these planets (due to a transit with them) these themes will be more prominent.

Thus when working with this chakra, especially when working with Celestial Resonance Living Light Language in relation to healing and balancing this chakra, you will absolutely be working with your Chiron Wounding and Pluto energies.

A great affirmation for this chakra is: –

“I am safe and grounded, my life force is strong, I focus my energy in loving and practical ways.”

When your Base Chakra is functioning optimally

When we restore normal activity to the base chakra it increases local and general energy flow to the adjoining glands/organs and systems supporting healing and balance in relation to these areas of the physical body which include: –

– adrenal glands

– colon / rectum

– hip joints, knees, and feet

– bones & circulation

When functioning optimally a person experiences such things as: –

– feeling safe and secure

– being grounded and centered

– healthy sexual expression

– having healthy energetic boundaries

– full of health and vitality

– a healthy family environment

– they are confident and know they belong in the world/community

– they are very connected to nature

– prosperity flows easily to them

– they have get up and go, dreams, ambition, motivation

– they flow with change well

When your Base Chakra is Blocked or Unbalanced

When the Base Chakra is unbalanced a person experiences such things as;

– individuals tend to be anxious, fearful, and worried

– aggressive, irritable, and impatient OR inactive, lazy, impractical, and inefficient

– they may never feel safe and as a result, be very controlling

– they may be blocked from moving ahead & feel they face insurmountable obstacles

– they may feel they never have enough money

– be lacking in drive to achieve goals

– have weight issues (over or underweight)

– experience hemorrhoids, diarrhea, constipation, fissures

– sexual addiction

– varicose veins and circulation issues

– have mental/emotional symptoms such as depression, anxiety, feeling isolated, insane, like they don’t belong

– they can be very ungrounded, can be very clumsy and accident-prone (spacial navigation issues)

– they can be frigid or impotent

– adrenal exhaustion

Vital Steps you can take to support healing your Base Chakra

Here is a list of suggested activities that you can work with to support your healing & empowering journey! This is just to get you started, follow your guidance always!

–Work with this 1st Gate Evening Star Transmission (scroll down) and the previous Venus 7th Gate of Manifestation Morning Star Transmission on this site! Additionally, a few other great transmissions to work with on this site in relation to this gate are this year’s FREE GIFT of the Annual Attunement Transmission and the Ground, Reborn and Dragon Power transmissions (find these transmissions in my shop)

– Connect to the earth element; get barefoot on the ground, lie flat out on the ground, bathe in the sun on a warm rock, hug a tree, walk on the beach, be in nature!

– Dance with intent to ground, activate your energy and receive guidance!

– Clear your chakra’s energetically regularly; it's just like cleaning your teeth. If you are not sure how my chakra healing e-book can help.

Become my PATRON and receive Free Light Language & Light Code Activations to support your attunement.

2 great questions to ask yourself at this gate are;

Q1 – What dream seeds do I want to plant and nourish for myself now, what dream seeds do I want to plant and nourish for the New World we are creating?

Q2 – What actions can I take to nourish these seeds in my life and in the collective Dream/Culture?

Colours to work with to support your Base Chakra is: red

– Great crystals to work with to support your Base Chakra are; hematite, red jasper, smokey quartz, rhodochrosite, black tourmaline, garnet, red carnelian, chrysocolla (sexuality), obsidian.

– Great Foods to eat to support your Base Chakra are; red apples, beetroot, strawberries, tomatoes, red capsicums, watermelon, rhubarb, radishes, red kidney beans and red lentils. Leafy green vegetables, although not red contain red energy.

– Great Essential Oils to support your Base Chakra are:

For Grounding: vetiver, clary sage, sandalwood, myrrh, fennel, petitgrain and patchouli

For stability: roman chamomile, geranium, myrrh, sandalwood, neroli, rosemary, cedarwood, cypress

For strengthening: cedarwood, ginger, marjoram, rosemary, sandalwood, lavender, jasmine, petitgrain

– Other supportive practices include; healthy food/diet, regular exercise, yoga/stretching, tantric practices, pranayama, belly dance, sensual care of your body, rest, listen to your body do more of what feels good and less of what drains you, do what your body/emotions seek to feel nourished

4. The Venus Evening Star 1st Gate Celestial Resonance Healing Journey

Working with this transmission daily during this time will profoundly support you to heal your Base & Earth Star chakras. To open to the full power of your co-creative abilities, to attain maximum life force & to master being HEAVEN ON EARTH, living in this Earth plane, in a physical body joyfully, gracefully, and well! Feeling safe, grounded, and strong!

Additionally, this transmission as with all in this Venus Synodic Cycle series will greatly support you to attune to and strengthen your Sacred Feminine energy. This transmission will also support you to attune to the archetypal “overtone” of the Meta-Goddess. As such the frequencies, keys, and codes of this transmission will powerfully support your enlightenment journey!

This is a healing tool that will never die, it will always connect you to Venus and her journey through the 1st Gate as the Evening Star – supporting you to receive whatever you need in the NOW moment as you attune to the archetypal “overtone” of each and every Venus Synodic Cycle hereafter.

It is optimal that you journey with this 7-minute transmission regularly (at least once per week) as Venus reaches the 1st Gate to when Venus as the Evening Star reaches the 2nd Gate of Creativity!

Here is a SNEAK PEEK of this AMAZING MEDITATION/TRANSMISSION – sharing the first 2 minutes of the 7 minute Celestial Resonance Meditation Journey, you will need to purchase the mp3 audio file to experience the full journey.


Purchase the Entire Venus Evening Star Series & Save 10%

You can choose to purchase all the Celestial Resonance Transmissions for the upcoming Venus Evening Star Series (this Series never dies, it will support you for every journey of Venus as the Evening Star into the future).

You will be ready to flow like never before!

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